Our church has missions' month every March and one of our speakers (three years in a row, now), was Julaine Appling, a strong-minded, clear orater about the importance of legislating values. Now, don't get me wrong... I am all for getting "good" laws passed into our system; it just hasn't seemed likely or possible. What I realized yesterday was that it takes regular people, like myself, to change laws. It takes one or two people to make a phone call to their representatives. It takes one or two people to share their thoughts with like-minded friends who will then share the passion to get things changed to better our own lives.
God has been priming me, I think, for a little while by sending messages via Facebook and email through friends who are passionate (maybe?) about certain causes. One of them was a 30-minute video talking about how parental rights are being violated. That caused me to sit up and take notice for once. I am a mother. That is my job. I value being able to make decisions for my children that I deem "in their best interest". What if that was taken away from me? It already is. People around our country have experienced it. Being arrested for not wanting your child to have "Sexual Tolerance" teaching in Kindergarten, being court-ordered by a judge that you are only allowed to take your child to church one service a week, being told by a family physician that you must get permission from your underage child for the results of a drug test YOU paid for.
IT IS HAPPENING. TODAY. In our Free and Liberated Country.
So, what are you going to do about it?
Sitting in church, hearing Ms. Appling talk about her role in Wisconsin Family Council and realizing that you CAN and SHOULD legislate morality was eye-opening. Everyone else is making laws based on what they believe is right, why not me??
Were they legislating morality when they legalized gay marriage? YES!
Were they legislating morality when they legalized abortion? YES!
The candidates you want to put into office are those that closely mirror your values and beliefs when it comes to upholding marriage and family. If your candidate does not have those in line, nothing else they try to fix (jobs, economy, etc) will turn out properly.
God puts up kings and takes them down. He has given each country and people their own set of government and laws. Ours is a republic (or was)... and is so close to being ruined. It is our responsibility to keep things the way God intended until He decides to "let it burn".
If we aren't legislating our biblical ethics and morality, it will be someone else's views and opinions. Stand up and start talking!
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