... or the easiest, according to my beloved husband (when he's not being his usually sensitive self)?
Can I just be honest for a second? I know this is the "season of joy and peace" and all that other nice, cushy sentiment, but right smack dab in the middle of our celebratory week, I'm having a terrible day. I know, how cheery of me.
It all began this morning. The boys woke up at 6:30 to have breakfast with their Dad. Now, before you start berating me about how that's such a wonderful time and your children all woke up at 3:00 a.m. all dewy-eyed and beautiful, that's not how my experience with motherhood began with the boys so I am still adjusting to this phenomenon. Besides, when they wake up that early, the rest of their schedule is off for the entire day and possibly even the next few days. So, back off!
After my Beloved left for work, the boys started the cocophany of bickering and sniping back and forth, culminating with Jonah's peircing screams. Of course, they were at the Christmas tree "touching" ornaments and discussing who would get to eat the candy canes. Mama Bear came out from the den with her hair raised in terrifying proportions, growling that they better knock it off before she started knocking heads together. So, they calmed down... in my dreams.
I decided to sit down in my recliner and supervise until I woke up. Then the arguing and snatching started with their lego rocket/submarine/spaceships (yes, they are convertible transformer-type air/watercraft, which makes them especially coveted). "Jeremiah, leave your brother's legos alone. He can make it however he wants." "But Mama, he's not doing it right. Here. I'll just show you." **piercing screams** "JEREMIAH! LEAVE HIM ALONE!! It's NOT YOURS." *Huff*
Okay, that minor catastrophe averted... for now. Okay, boys. I need to read my Bible.
Now, that's gotta impress them. Mama is going to spend time with God and everything shall be as it is meant to be.
"Mama, Jooosh peeese"
Maybe if I don't answer him, he'll go away. Oh crap, here's the other one.
"Yeah, Mama. Can I have some juice, too, please?"
"Okay, fine. Let's get some juice. Once I sit back down, though, you're on your own. Play nicely. I get to read my Bible and spend time with God. In peace. Alone. Got it?"
Okay, that's done. Now, where was I?
"Mama, look! Watch me!"
"Mama, did you see what I built?"
"Jeremiah... this is MY time with God. Please just play." "Jonah, stop touching the tree." "Get out of my room." "Sit down! You just threw a block at your brother." "Stop pinching him, he's on time-out." "Just be quiet!!! I'M TRYING TO READ MY FREAKING BIBLE!!!" (Yes, that last one was a word-for-word quote from mother dearest).
Now, if that just doesn't warm God's heart to hear me screaming at my children because I'm trying to read my Bible, I don't know what will. What better example to show to my children than a mother who is cranky and irritable and screams because she's going to "spend time with God."
Might as well just throw in the Mommy-towel right now.
It didn't get much better from there, either. My son lied to me... again. What am I supposed to do? Spank him? Again? I'm tired. I'm a failure. I don't know how to reach him. They just are not getting along and are not listening to me (as though, that's something new). I did what any other sane mother would do in that situation. I cried. I talked to my child and cried.
So, he cried.
I think he just felt bad that Mama was crying. Does a 4-year-old really understand the seriousness of lying and how trust is now broken? Maybe. But, he has a sinful, rebellious heart that has not, yet, been touched by the Holy Spirit. Oh, how I pray it does. Soon.
Rather than fight the natural forces of sinful children, I did the only thing I could think of.
We watched tv. All morning. So there.
---- Almost lunchtime ----
We're still watching tv. The boys have been quiet. Once incident when I went out to get the mail where Jonah was tempted by a talking snake and stole the candy cane off the tree and offered some to his brother.
When talking with a two-year-old about sin, be very careful how you phrase things. I told Jonah that he stole my candy, that before he takes some, he has to ask. So, he very sweetly (and stickily) asked me "Mama, tandy peeese??"
Jeremy called me about buying some eggs from a local farmer and told me that I'm not really a failure. Can't tell you how much that lifted my spirits.
Now, I have to go. Jonah has bonked his head for the 5th time this morning. More crying.
My day of tears has only begun.