When reaching the end of the year, people usually reflect on the past and look forward and create resolutions for their future. As I look back, I remember several deaths, sicknesses, acts of God, political upheaval (RECALL WALKER), not to mention the list in my personal life. Our world is falling apart. No, I'm not an alarmist. I am merely watching our world collapse from the inside out. The structure on which our country was founded is no longer active (in a perfect world, it would be ideal... but it is no longer practical with millions of people) and our leadership is corrupt and destroying our alliance with the one country that is important... Israel.
Before I get into doomsaying, there is one thing of which I am absolutely certain: our world will not get better. It is the end, so prepare yourself. I guess that would be considered doomsaying; but it is true. Our country has made some decisions that are now irreversible. Our economy is failing and is in such a death-spiral that it is not recoverable. The choices all of us ("we the people") are making in leadership and living are corrupting everything, from sickness to general life. We are not going to be the richest, most prosperous "free" country in the world for much longer.
My Precious Gifts |
But, to look ahead in the next year (and future years to come)... for me, I see my family. I see two precious little boys who are growing up so fast. They need structure and strong teaching to mold their minds and hearts to be courageous in the times to come. I want my boys to be men who lead and stand for Truth and righteous living. My role, as their mother, is so important because they see me everyday, all day. They listen and watch. I am their model for life and attitudes. Their father is just as important, but he isn't present all day long.
I am going to teach my sons how to respect and love their wives and lead their families to serve God. I am going to show my sons strong work ethic and teach them how to be diligent in whatever task they have set before them. I am going to encourage my sons to see the weaker person and find the compassion to help in whatever way they can, to not neglect the widow and the orphan. I am going to teach my sons to stand strong for what is right, even if it is not the popular choice and they lose friends in the process.
Mothers have such an important role. Where else will they learn everything they need to know for their own lives: school, daycare, babysitters? I don't think so. No one cares for your children like you do. Take the time and effort to train your children in the way that desperately needs to be done, especially in these scary times of uncertainty and nearing the end of the age.
Until next time, hold your children tight and teach them what only you are able to teach. Teaching them to be responsible, loving, respectful adults... and that Mom loves them the most!
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