"If I belittle those whom I am called to serve,
talk of their weak points in contrast perhaps with what I think of as my strong points;
if I adopt a superior attitude, forgetting 'who made thee to differ?
and what hast thou that thou hast not received?'
then I know nothing of Calvary love."
--Amy Carmichael
Of course I've never done this... right, let's be honest. I'm sure I could accuse myself of having a superior attitude because I'm not in the same position as others. And also talked about people and their situations, not to belittle, but to puzzle over and analyze. Of course, in my immature days there may have been some snooty comments to myself (since I really didn't have friends). But who made me so special? Why did I escape certain snares and consequences. I am by no means a saint and yet I can say with certainty that God protected me from myself during a particular time in my life.
I was talking to my 4-year-old just this morning about consequences. We were reading about Moses and the children of Israel and how they didn't believe that God would protect them when trying to enter the Promised Land. Because they didn't believe, their consequence was not being allowed to enter and they had to wander in the wilderness until they died off. Of course, my son made the jump that if we disobey, God will leave us. Not exactly what I was trying to imply.
Regardless of my inept Mommy Moments, there is an understanding of our complete and utter humanity before God. You are no better than me and I am no better than the homeless person down the street (actually, we don't have any homeless in our town; but that's beside the point). We are all children of God and made in His image. It doesn't matter what we do, we are all sinners and in need of His saving grace in our lives.
My son just started Awana and is learning some verses in his Cubbies book, grossly shortened but still makes the point. Romans 3:23 "All have sinned." Who has sinned, Jeremiah? YOU! Yes, I have sinned... but have you sinned, too? Yes. What does "all" mean? Everyone. So... all people have sinned? Yes.
Romans 5:8 "While we were sinners, Christ died for us." Pretty explanatory, I suppose. Since we're all guilty of sin, we understand that while we were still wallowing in it (our sin, that is), Christ died for us. Okay... so why did He die? From old age? No. Christ died because it says in Romans 6:23 That "the wages (price/cost) of sin is death." Are we all going to have to pay for our own sin? That's how it was meant to work. Are we capable of paying for our sin? Yes... which is why there is a place called Hell where we would be separated from God forever.
The whole point of Christ's death was that He was a sinless payment. He only had to shed His blood once in order to cover everyone's sin. If we believe on Him, that he died for us and rose from the dead, we will be looked on as sinless also. Standing before God on Judgment Day, God will not see us... but Jesus who stands before us and His sinlessness. We are not worthy on our own... only worthy because of who has loved us and shed His blood for us.
Okay, that post took a turn... but I guess it needed to be said.
Until next time... look around you and see everyone (undesirables and desirables, alike) as God does... as sinners in need of a Savior, and treat them accordingly. And share the good news, too!
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