"If I can easily discuss the shortcomings and the sins of any; if I can speak in a casual way even of a child's misdoings, then I know nothing of Calvary love." --Amy Carmichael
Now, I don't know about you, but having two children who daily misbehave and try the soul, it sometimes seems as though I am eager to explode and tell my beloved of their exploits the second he walks in the door at night. Should I be this eager to unload myself and bare my boys' dirty laundry for public consumption, even if it is only to their father?
I am guilty of this. Terribly guilty. When I have had my "H-E-double hockey-sticks" of a day, there is nothing better than being able to rid myself of that stress by sharing it all. But there also needs to be redemption for my son. He does not deserve to have his sins dragged out after he's been told "I forgive you, I love you". Privately speaking to my husband when the children have gone to bed maybe appropriate, but I must remember to consider my children first. They are my fragile flowers. They are beginning to bloom and if I put all the weight of their sins on their shoulders repeatedly after I've already, supposedly, forgiven them, they will, first, begin to not trust me and second, and most importantly, think that God continually holds their sins against them and will not forget them either.
How do you wish your children to see God? I will tell you a secret... how you treat them is how they view God. If you are unforgiving and angry about their sin, they will see God as unloving and mean and hateful. If you forgive them and help them learn to talk to God after their sin and ask forgiveness of Him as well, they will begin to see that God forgives when they ask.
Please, Mothers, forgive your children and never bring it up (in front) to them again. Forgive and love... show them the mercy God shows you. I will also be striving toward that goal. My children deserve it and so does God (since I am grossly misrepresenting His character when I disobey).
Until next time, love your children and give them all extra snuggles.
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